Advantages Of Business Card Printing

Even in today’s business marketplace of rapidly changing and innovative forms of marketing and advertising, some of the more traditional sales and marketing tools can play a prominent role in effective promotion of your business products, services, and brand. Business card printing is certainly one of them – business card design and printing still provides an effective and relevant marketing tool for any business environment. Here are some of the advantages of, and reasons why, your company should still be investing in professional business card printing:

Affordable Advertising

Business card printing is one of the more affordable advertising tools – bulk printing is quick and easy to produce and deliver.  Compared with many other forms of advertising – billboards and some digital marketing campaigns – business card printing is a cheap and cost-effective choice!


Printed business cards are essential marketing tools at any business fair, networking event, conference, or promotional event – easy to carry and distribute, you can deliver your corporate image and details to a vast number of people in a short time and a limited space! What can be easier for the advertising and distributing of your personal and corporate details than physically handing a business card face-to-face with a prospective new client? The business card can be the catalyst to starting a conversation there and then with somebody – alternatively they can later act as reminder for them to contact you to discuss business opportunities.


Whilst modern social media and online marketing have their merits, what they don’t offer is an actual physical reminder of your presence or message – printed business cards are a tangible, physical reminder of the meeting you have had with a client or customer! Your business card is the item that this client will take away with them from the meeting or event – you want them to remember the conversation you’ve had, so ensure they have your contact details by leaving your business card with them – a business card will act as a regular physical reminder of the discussions you had and will serve as a prompt for the client to contact you in the future.

Brand Reinforcement 

A well designed and professionally printed business card will contain all the useful and relevant information about you and your business – your company name, your own name and position within the business, and all the important contact information such as office and mobile phone numbers, website, and e-mail addresses, along with how to access all other social media platforms that your business utilises for marketing and information. A business card with your company logo printed with your corporate design and colours will be constantly carried by existing or potential customers, and every time they take that card out or see it on their desk it will act as a subconscious brand reinforcement for your company or business, as well as yourself!  

Portrays A Professional Image 

Everybody in business knows the importance of first impressions – and that is why a good, well-designed, and professional-looking business card is so important! The business card is the most flexible, versatile, and prominent item being passed around in all business environments and events. Business card design is very important – you should always ensure your printed cards are of quality materials – your business card is likely the first item your potential client will receive from you. People will automatically form an opinion of you and your business based on your business card – if you do not have a business card, or your card has a poor design and is produced with cheap materials, people may consider you in the same manner and judge you as ‘unprofessional’ – and will automatically assume that your company, product, and service is the same! Business card printing is all about the design and quality of your card – it should convey all the positive things you want your potential client to consider of you and your business. Your marketing materials should equally reflect that image! Well-designed and quality business cards are an advert to demonstrate to potential clients or customers that you are a professional and they can trust you with their business.

Portable and Versatile

Business cards are portable and light, making them easy to use and carry around with you – and you never know where you will meet a potential client – it is not always the formal business environment that presents opportunities for new business!

Effective Marketing Tool

Of all the many forms of marketing to reinforce your brand and boost sales, direct marketing is one of the most popular and effective marketing tools – and physically presenting a potential, or existing, client with a business card is as direct as you can be! Your business card is a great form of introduction and creates an instant platform for interaction and conversation – that is one of the main reasons that the design and quality of your business card printing is important. A well-designed card will convey your business values and areas of expertise, along with those all-important contact details.